PFAS: The Current Landscape And The Next Frontier – Analysis Of Groundwater Litigation And Emerging Air Emission Issues

This program will consist of two panels: one on PFAS groundwater issues and litigation; and the other on emerging PFAS air issues. The first panel will cover the aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) multi-district litigation and other ongoing litigation, natural resource damage claims, personal injury claim, and an overview of key scientific principles involving the fate and transport of PFAS in groundwater. The second panel will focus on PFAS air emission issues including air transport, dispersion, atmospheric deposition and related regulatory issues.
Program Faculty:
Groundwater panel:
Moderator: Cheryl P. Vollweiler, Esq., Skarzynski Marick & Black
Stephanie Biehl, Esq., Sher Edling
Kegan Brown, Esq., Latham & Watkins
Seth Kellogg, P.G., Geosyntec Consultants
Air panel:
Moderator: Nicholas C. Rigano, Esq.; Rigano LLC
Rob Bilott, Esq., Taft Stettinius & Hollister
Sandra Goodrow, NJDEP and Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council
Taryn McKnight, Eurofins USA
- November 18, 2021
- 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 2.0
- 2.0
- Virtual Participation
- Robert A. Bilott, Esq., Speaker, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
- Dr. Sandra Goodrow, Speaker, NJDEP and co-lead of ITRC PFAS Task force
- Seth Kellogg, Speaker, Geosyntec
- Kegan Brown, Esq., Speaker, Latham Watkins
- Taryn McKnight, Speaker, Eurofins USA
- Daniel Krainin, Esq., Moderator, Beveridge & Diamond PC
- Nicholas Rigano, Esq., Moderator, Rigano LLC
- Cheryl P. Vollweiler, Esq., Planning Co-Chair, Skarzynski Marick & Black
- Stephanie Biehl, Esq., Speaker, Sher Edling
- Webinar
- 0LN31
- Environmental & Energy Law Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education