What Every Matrimonial and Family Law Attorney Should Know About Education Law (New York City)

What Every Matrimonial and Family Law Attorney Should Know About Education Law | NYC
Blank Rome, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
Monday, March 10, 2025 (5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
A glimpse into a section of law that affects nearly every matrimonial and family matter involving school aged children but is sometimes not considered when in contested custody situations. Areas of discussion such as where a child establishes residency for the purposes of school enrollment, as well as which parent or person in parental relation has the authority to make determinations with regard to student issues such as parental pickup, drop-off, special education matters. This CLE will also delve into how school districts interpret court orders involving guardianship and custody and orders of protection. Lastly, this CLE will discuss the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and how School Districts comply with their obligations under this law when there are disagreements amongst parents regarding student records. With the ability to ask the panel about Education Law and practical applications in an attempt to resolve these educational issues arising in matrimonial and family matters, school is now in session.
- March 10, 2025
- 5:00 PM
- 8:00 PM
- 2.0
- 2.0
- New York City
- Blank Rome LLP
New York, NY 10020
- Whitney E. Braunlin, Esq., New York State Education Department, Albany, NY
- Heather M. Cole, Esq., Ferrara & Fiorenza, PC, Syracuse, New York
- Steven A. Goodstadt, Esq., Ingerman Smith, LLP, Hauppauge, New York
- Diane Inbody, Esq., Long Island Advocacy Center, Hauppauge, New York
- Hon. Cheryl Joseph, Supervising Judge, Matrimonial Parts, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Hon. John Leo, Matrimonial Part, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Hon. Caren Loguercio, Supervising Judge of The Family Court, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Michael W. Meyers, Esq., Petroske, Riezenman & Meyers, P.C., Hauppauge, New York
- Whitney E. Braunlin, Esq., New York State Education Department, Albany, NY
- Heather M. Cole, Esq., Ferrara & Fiorenza, PC, Syracuse, New York
- Steven A. Goodstadt, Esq., Ingerman Smith, LLP, Hauppauge, New York
- Diane Inbody, Esq., Long Island Advocacy Center, Hauppauge, New York
- Hon. Cheryl Joseph, Supervising Judge, Matrimonial Parts, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Hon. John Leo, Matrimonial Part, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Hon. Caren Loguercio, Supervising Judge of The Family Court, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Michael W. Meyers, Esq., Petroske, Riezenman & Meyers, P.C., Hauppauge, New York
- Whitney E. Braunlin, Esq., New York State Education Department, Albany, NY
- Heather M. Cole, Esq., Ferrara & Fiorenza, PC, Syracuse, New York
- Steven A. Goodstadt, Esq., Ingerman Smith, LLP, Hauppauge, New York
- Diane Inbody, Esq., Long Island Advocacy Center, Hauppauge, New York
- Hon. Cheryl Joseph, Supervising Judge, Matrimonial Parts, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Hon. John Leo, Matrimonial Part, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Hon. Caren Loguercio, Supervising Judge of The Family Court, Suffolk County Supreme Court
- Michael W. Meyers, Esq., Petroske, Riezenman & Meyers, P.C., Hauppauge, New York
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m Introduction and Issues Surrounding Residency/Transportation
Court orders and settlement agreements are drafted with the mindset of the children’s school district and transportation, but are these orders in compliance with the Education Law. The Panelists discuss the Education Law requirements relating to residency for the purposes of enrollment as well as transportation and share practical applications of drafting future custody arrangements.
1.0 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice
6:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Issues Surrounding Discovery/Subpoenas/FERPA
This session will discuss the intricacies regarding how school districts are able to comply with requests in accordance with subpoenas as well as its obligations under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
0.5 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice
6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Issues Surrounding Parenting Time and Decision Making
Who has the final decision making authority when parents disagree over educational decisions? What if one parent does not want the other parent’s significant other picking up the child? In the final session, the panelists share insights as to how school districts proceed with matters relating to parenting time and decision making.
0.5 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Meet and Greet with the Speakers
- Whitney E. Braunlin, Esq., New York State Education Department
- Steven A. Goodstadt, Esq., Ingerman Smith LLP
- Heather M. Cole, Esq., Ferrara Fiorenza PC
- Diane Inbody, Esq., Long Island Advocacy Center, Inc.
- Hon. Cheryl Joseph, New York State Supreme Court
- Hon. John Leo, Supreme Court Of The State Of Ny Suffolk County
- Hon. Caren Loguercio, Suffolk County Family Court
- Michael W. Meyers, Esq., Petroske Riezenman & Meyers, P.C.
- In-Person
- 0PT74
- Family Law Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education