Publication: Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Journal


Crypto-tation Management I say Nespresso – you say, George Clooney. Whose smile is synonymous with Lancôme? Julia Roberts’. Johnny Depp: libel litigator, Dior endorser. Love and marriage, horse and carriage, celebrities and brands all go together; but when the brand hits the skids or the celebrity strays off the path of righteousness, reputations on both … Continued

‘Video Killed the Radio Star’ – and AI Brought It Back to Life: Addressing Challenges to the Right of Publicity in the 21st Century

Introduction It was a glamorous Sunday evening at the 2014 Billboard Music Awards: Everyone was dressed to the nines, enjoying the lavish entertainment within the posh confines of the Vegas MGM Grand.1 Midway through the show, the lights abruptly dimmed, and the crowd hushed in anticipation.2 Suddenly, the curtains dropped to the floor, revealing Michael Jackson clad … Continued

Resolution Alley. A Reminder About Ethics in Negotiation

Resolution Alley is a column about the use of alternative dispute resolution in the entertainment, arts, sports, and other related industries. Negotiation is a fundamental life and legal skill. To “negotiate” means “[t]o confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement,” and “negotiating” means “[t]he act or process … Continued

Remarks From the Chair

I hope everyone had a good first quarter of 2023. EASL had a great year in 2022 and we look forward to continuing that in 2023, which started in January at our Annual Meeting. Below is a brief overview of what transpired at the end of 2022 and the start of this year. Art Law … Continued

Practical Financial Planning. It’s Great That You’re Giving Cash To Your Favorite Charities – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ‒ Winston Churchill According to Philanthropy Roundtable, six out of 10 households in the U.S. give to charity. People are motivated to give for many reasons, including improving their communities, continuing a family tradition, or just plain gratitude. Choosing which … Continued

Phil Cowan–Judith Bresler Memorial Scholarship Writing Competition

Law students, take note of this publishing and scholarship opportunity: The Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law Section of the New York State Bar Association (EASL)’s Phil Cowan-Judith Bresler Memorial Scholarship, named after two esteemed former EASL chairs, offers up to two awards of $2,500 each on an annual basis in Phil Cowan’s and Judith Bresler’s memories to … Continued

Krell’s Korner is a column about the people, events, and deals that shape the entertainment, arts, and sports industries. The NBA-ABA Merger.

It was not exactly a slam dunk. In 1976, the merger joining the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the American Basketball Association (ABA) blended the latter’s New York Nets, Indiana Pacers, San Antonio Spurs, and Denver Nuggets into the senior league and left behind the Virginia Squires, Kentucky Colonels, and Spirits of St. Louis. The … Continued