Publication: Municipal Lawyer

Message from the Chair

Originally scheduled to take place in the fall of 2020, the LSGL Section will be celebrating its 75th (and 76th and 77th) anniversary at its fall meeting in Washington, D.C. on October 14-16, 2022. After more than three years of planning and postponements, I am happy (and relieved) that we are finally able to get … Continued

Government Ethics Quiz Answer

N.Y. Gen. Mun. Law § 801 (Conflicts of interest prohibited) is violated if three elements are established: (1) the existence of a “contract” with the municipality, (2) an “interest” (i.e., a benefit) accruing to an officer or employee of the municipality as a result of the contract, and (3) the “power or duty” of the … Continued

Does the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act Preempt Local Decarbonization Efforts? A Lawsuit Challenging New York City’s Local Law 97 Seeks To Find Out

On May 18, 2022, a group of cooperative corporations, mixed-use building owners, and residents (“Plaintiffs”) filed a lawsuit against New York City (“City” or NYC), the Department of Buildings (DOB), and the DOB Commissioner in New York County Supreme Court seeking to annul Local Law 97 of 2019 (“Local Law 97”)—the centerpiece of the City’s … Continued

Continuing the Tradition of Excellence: Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts, 5th, Edited by Robert L. Haig

Since the publication of the first edition of Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts in 1995, this treatise has been recognized as the most outstanding work of its kind, comprising a unique compilation of New York law as it is applied in the commercial context. Over the ensuing years, the publication has been updated by periodic … Continued

Beyond Civil Service Law

Introduction by Patricia Rau When I accepted a position with the Putnam County Personnel Department in the fall of 2020, people who knew me were confused. I was asked time and time again, “is that an attorney position?” People could not understand how I went from being a prosecutor in a courtroom to taking a … Continued