Yes, Even an Emoji Could Be Evidence: What Lawyers Need To Understand About Social Media, Photos and Texting
Data recovery teams are better at finding things on your computer than you are at hiding them.
Data recovery teams are better at finding things on your computer than you are at hiding them.
It is quite common that people find out that Facebook or Google has a detailed consumer profile on them. Unseen, however, is the data collected from you about third persons in your network.
It’s human nature to click on the link in emails, but don’t click on the link.
It is often said that it is not a question of if, but rather a question of when, an individual or entity will be the victim of a cyber-intrusion, and unfortunately, that same maxim may hold true when it comes to populations that remain unvaccinated against COVID-19.
Using devices or software outside of the control of your firm’s IT Department, better described as Shadow IT, is seen as risky by information security and management professionals. However, it is not seen as so risky that it cannot be properly managed.
As technology use grew in 2020 due to remote work, so did questions: some simple; some more complex. Recovering lawyer and self-professed geek Paul J. Unger of the Affinity Consulting Group addressed some of the universal concerns that have become more commonplace in 2020. He spoke on the recent CLE Webinar, “Tech Skills for Lawyers … Continued
New York’s Unified Court System is transitioning to Microsoft Teams in place of Skype for Business.
Cybersecurity incidents are on the rise. And unfortunately, law firms are attractive targets for cybercriminals
With many lawyers shifting to remote work this past spring, legal technology needs changed overnight. Some lawyers relied on their tried-and-true technology, while others discovered new technology that improved their practices. But we wanted to know what they considered their must-have tech tools. Here are their answers, some of which have been edited for clarity … Continued
The New York State court system announced on Monday that it will be switching to Microsoft Teams from Skype for Business. Using all of the functionality of Skype, Teams is a collaborative tool that combines chat functionality, video meetings and file sharing. Although familiar, there are some upgrades. It launched in March 2017 and has … Continued