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Medical Aid in Dying

Medical Aid in Dying


This program does not carry MCLE credit. It is intended for informational purposes only.

The Medical Aid in Dying Act, A. 2694, S. 3947, with almost 60 sponsors, is now being seriously considered in the New York State Legislature. Despite the significant legal and clinical implications of this legislation, many legal and health care professionals and the lay public are unaware of what medical aid in dying entails and the, legal, ethical, clinical and practical arguments for and against the proposed law. Useful information will be provided by an expert on medical aid in dying who has studied the issue for almost 20 years.

Learning Objectives:

  • What medical aid in dying is and what it is not.
  • How medical aid in dying has worked in jurisdictions that authorize this end of life option, nine states and DC. 
  • What the key provisions are in New York’s proposed Medical Aid in Dying Act, including requirements, safeguards and protections.  
  • The primary arguments for and against medical aid in dying in NYS.  


David C. Leven, JD, Executive Director Emeritus and Senior Consultant, End of Life Choices New York

Published Date:
  • October 20, 2020
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VJL61