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Representing Healthcare Professionals in OPMC and OPD Investigations

Representing Healthcare Professionals in OPMC and OPD Investigations

Representing Healthcare Professionals_675

Topics to Include:

I. Jurisdiction & Investigatory Authority of OPD & OPMC

A. Organizational Overview of OPD and OPMC. 

B. Overview of Controlling Statutes & Regulations 

C. Role and Responsibility of BPMC and the Office of Professions 

II. Anatomy of OPMC and OPD Investigations

A. Role & Input of the various professional boards

B. Request and review of clinical records

C. Subpoena Power and challenging a subpoena 

D. Review and Inspection of Records in Advance of Interview: 

E. The Client Interview: The risks, benefits and alternatives. 

F. Lining up Experts and other witnesses 

III. The Charging Process

A. OPMC- How the inner workings of the Investigation Committee

B. Advisability of written submissions (John) 

C. The OPD Charging Process and the unique role and function of the ISC 


Shelly Wang Bandago, Director NYS Department of Health, Office of Professional Medical Conduit

Henry S. Weintraub, Chief Counsel at NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Professional Medical Conduct

Dennis K. Spillane, Director of the NYS Department of Education, Office of Professional Discipline

David F. Durso, Ruskin Moscou Faltischek P.C.

John J. Barbera, Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP

Douglas M. Nadjari, Ruskin Moscou Faltischek P.C. (Program Planning Chair and Moderator)

Section Member Price: $34.00 Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price: $100.00
Published Date:
  • October 14, 2022
  • Online On-Demand
Product Code:
  • VMG81A
Areas Of Professional Practice Credit(s):
  • 1.5
Total Credit(s):
  • 1.5