Statement From State Bar President Henry M. Greenberg Condemning Bias Incidents Relating To Coronavirus Aimed At Persons Of Asian & Jewish Descent

By Dan Weiller

March 24, 2020

Statement From State Bar President Henry M. Greenberg Condemning Bias Incidents Relating To Coronavirus Aimed At Persons Of Asian & Jewish Descent


By Dan Weiller

Recent reports of bias incidents relating to coronavirus aimed at persons of Asian and Jewish descent are deeply disturbing. The New York State Bar Association strongly condemns these acts and we call on the appropriate authorities to act immediately and forcefully to address them. Our Task Force on Domestic Terrorism and Hate Crimes, chaired by Carrie H. Cohen, will be making recommendations to combat this scourge.

Our elected officials need to provide leadership on this issue — both by speaking out against such incidents and by choosing their own words carefully. It is never acceptable for anyone to use language that even vaguely suggests that a particular nationality, religion or group is responsible for or deserving of the coronavirus. America is in the midst of a public health emergency, and now more than ever we need to come together as a society to support and protect each other.

About the New York State Bar Association
The New York State Bar Association is the largest voluntary state bar association in the nation. Since 1876, the Association has helped shape the development of law, educated and informed the legal profession and the public, and championed the rights of New Yorkers through advocacy and guidance in our communities.


Contact: Dan Weiller
[email protected]

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