Month: December 2019

Legal Briefs: Law School Dean Looks into the Crystal Ball

The Buffalo Law Journal reported on the recent Miranda Warnings podcast with Buffalo Law School Dean Aviva Abramovsky. (may require subscription) In a new podcast available here, University at Buffalo School of Law Dean Aviva Abramovsky discusses autonomous vehicles and the law. She is chair of a New York State Bar Association group that’s delved into the area to get a glimpse … Continued

New York Moves Closer to Axing Mental Health Question from Bar Application

The New York Law Journal quoted President Greenberg on New York court officials considering removing Question 34 from the bar application. (may require subscription) New York court officials agreed during a closed-door meeting Tuesday to consider removing a question from the state bar’s application that asks prospective attorneys about their mental health, including any diagnosed conditions.

Conduct Yourselves Accordingly: Amending Bar Character and Fitness Questions To Promote Lawyer Well-Being

The Professional Lawyer mentioned President Greenberg and his Working Group on Attorney Mental Health. Admission to the practice of law involves an evaluation of substantive knowledge, tested through the administration of the bar examination, and a separate evaluation of character and fitness. The character and fitness process is intended to identify issues that could affect the … Continued

As Parole Drives Incarceration, Can NYs Bar Spur Reforms?

Law360 quoted President Greenberg and the co-chairs of NYSBA’s Task Force on the Parole System. (may require subscription) When people are released from New York state prison and placed under parole supervision, they are subject to conditions that, if broken, can lead them right back to their cells. So-called “technical parole violations” include things like … Continued

NYSBA Addresses Issues Faced by Student Journalists

The Chronicle mentioned NYSBA and its Task Force on Free Expression in the Digital Age’s upcoming event. The New York State Bar Association has created a task force on how to deal with the issues that plague local journalism in the age of technology. For various issues, the Bar Association wants to provide a legal … Continued

NYSBA Selects 2020 Legislative Priorities

NYSBA legislative priorities are developed by the Committees on State Legislative Policy and Federal Legislative Priorities and reviewed by NYSBA member leadership. The Executive Committee approved the plan on November 1. Here are state legislative priorities for 2020: Integrity of New York’s justice system An independent, well-functioning judicial system that is accessible to all is … Continued