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Elder Law and Special Needs Planning/Will Drafting, 2023-24 (eBook)

Elder Law and Special Needs Planning/Will Drafting, 2023-24 (eBook)

  • Bernard A. Krooks, Esq.; Joel Krooks, Esq. (Elder Law & Special Needs Planning); Jessica R. Amelar, Esq. (Will Drafting)

Contents at a Glance

Elder Law and Special Needs Planning / Health Care Proxies and Living Wills / Power of Attorney / Guardianships / Medicare / Medicaid / Estate and Gift Tax Overview / Trusts and the Elder Law Plan / Long-Term Care Insurance / Protecting the Family Home / Will Drafting / Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Considerations / Ambulatory Nature of Will; “Per Stirpes,” “By Representation” and “Per Capita” Explained / Inappropriate Testamentary Provisions / Property Over Which a Will Operates / Information To Be Obtained From the Client / Format of the Will / Analysis of Sample Will / Will Execution / Post-Execution Copy/ Safekeeping of Executed Will

Product Description

Part of the New York Lawyers’ Practical Skills Series (PSS)

Product Number: 4082124/4082124E

This practice guide is divided into two parts.

Part One, written by Bernard A. Krooks, Esq., examines the scope and practice of elder law in New York State, covering areas such as Medicaid, long-term care insurance, powers of attorney and health care proxies. Part Two, written by Jessica R. Amelar, Esq., gives the attorney a step-by-step overview of the drafting of a will, from the initial client interview to the will execution.

This practice guide provides an extensive overview to the practice of elder law, special needs planning and will drafting for attorneys entering this field. Health care proxies and related documents, conflicts of interest and ethical considerations, guardianships under MHL Article 81, and Medicaid law, estate and gift tax statutes, and trusts, long-term care insurance, and basic will provisions are all considered. Includes sample letters, forms and checklists.

The download of this eBook permits the user to install the title on any and all of the user's devices for personal use only. Distribution of this title without permission is strictly prohibited. Downloadable items are nonrefundable. 

Non-Member Price: $170.00
Table of Contents:
Published Date:
  • February 1, 2024
  • eBook
Product Code:
  • 4082124E
  • 9781579692674
Page Count:
  • 330 pages