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Mediation in the Courts: Progress in New York in Making Mediation a Central Part of New York Practice

Mediation in the Courts: Progress in New York in Making Mediation a Central Part of New York Practice

Mediation in the Courts_675

This program will take a look at recent changes in the Rules of the New York Court System concerning mediation and at changes in New York practice in fostering early mediation in cases to help parties minimize cost and delay––and enhance the courts’ mission of delivering justice.  It will be of interest to all litigators in New York and to mediators and litigators who would like to become mediators, as the number of mediations increases in New York in coming years.

Start Date:
  • October 30, 2024
Start Time:
  • 6:00 PM
End Time:
  • 7:30 PM
  • New York City
  • Virtual Participation
  • American Arbitration Association
    150 East 42nd Street
    New York, NY 10017
  • Hybrid
Product Code:
  • FED103024
Section Member Price: Free
Non-Member Price: $25.00
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Commercial & Federal Litigation Section
  • Committee on Continuing Legal Education