Alphonso David: Values That are Reflective of the LGBTQ Community

By Alphonso David

January 15, 2020

Alphonso David: Values That are Reflective of the LGBTQ Community


By Alphonso David


Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign, joins David to talk about his upbringing in Liberia, trailblazing career in government and the agenda he’s laid out for the Human Rights Campaign.

Alphonso, the first black man and the first openly gay man to serve as Chief Counsel to the Governor of New York State, talks about his role in drafting the Marriage Equality Law and how that piece of legislation changed political discourse across the country.

He then goes on to detail the issues he is working on currently at the Human Rights Campaign.

Miranda Warnings is hosted by NYSBA’s 118th President David Miranda.

Six diverse people sitting holding signs
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