Please note: separate registration is required for each event
Section Program
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Section Agency Update
Friday, January 29, 2021
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Sip, Swirl and Support Reception
Friday, January 29, 2021
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Section Chair
Nicholas M. Ward-Willis, Esq.
Keane and Beane, P.C.
Program Chairs
Sarah M. Lobe, Esq.
Nixon Peabody, LLP.
Jennifer L. Gray, Esq.
Keane & Beane, P.C.
Program Sponsors
Sip, Swirl and Support Reception Sponsors

Section Program
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
4.0 MCLE Credits- 3.0 Areas of Professional Practice; 1.0 Ethics and Professionalism
This program is transitional and is suitable for all attorneys including those newly admitted
8:30 AM – 8:40 AM
Welcome & Introductions
Nick M. Ward-Willis, Esq. | Section Chair; Keane & Beane, P.C., White Plains, NY
Sarah M. Lobe, Esq. | Nixon Peabody LLP., Rochester, NY
Jennifer L. Gray, Esq. | Keane & Beane, P.C., White Plains, NY
8:40 AM – 9:30 AM
Energy Law 101
Are you a big “fan” of renewable energy? As the State implements the CLCPA and strives to reach its goal of 100% clean energy, the intersection of environmental and energy law is more apparent. This panel will provide a primer on “Watt” Community Wind, Solar, Battery Storage, Peaker Plants, etc. means to the practice of law. The role of the various state agencies, relevant state statutes and regulations will be explained and how it impacts real estate development, land use, municipal concerns and environmental justice. Any discussion of tomorrow must include an understanding of energy law and the role of the energy law practitioner over the next 20 years.
Kevin M. Lang, Esq. | Couch White, LLP., Albany, NY
David J. Solimeno, Esq. | Barclay Damon, LLP., Albany, NY
Hayley Gorenberg, Esq. | Legal Director, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest, New York, NY
1.0 Credits in Areas of Professional Practice
9:30 AM – 9:40 AM
9:40 AM – 10:30 AM
What’s Happening in Water
Who needs a S/NPDES permit now? And what are the next legal issues to watch for regarding source drinking water protection? Panelists will discuss these and other important questions in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in County of Maui v Hawaii Wildlife Fund, EPA’s new guidance, challenges to the Navigable Waters Rule, and increasing contaminant concerns in drinking water systems and sources.
Corinne Bell, Esq. | Program Attorney, Water, Natural Resources Defense Council, Santa Monica, CA
Fredric P. Andes, Esq. | Barnes & Thornburg, LLP., Chicago, IL
1.0 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice
10:30 AM – 10:40 AM
10:40 AM – 11:30 AM
PFAS Update – Federal Regulations, Forensics and Multi-District Litigation
Panelists will provide an update on federal PFAS regulation, discuss the emerging field of PFAS forensics for litigation support, and provide updates and insights on multi-district PFAS litigation. Panelist Michael A. London will reflect on his experience as co-lead counsel in the original C-8/MDL litigation that led to a multimillion dollar settlement which is the subject of the 2019 award winning film, “Dark Waters.”
Michael A. London, Esq. | Douglas & London, P.C., New York, NY
Meaghan A. Colligan, Esq. | Holland & Knight, LLP., Washington, D.C.
Timothy L. Negley | Managing Director, Forensics and Data Analytics, TIG Environmental, Syracuse, NY
1.0 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice
11:30 AM – 11:40 AM
11:40 AM – 12:30 PM
“I’ll Be Alright Without You”: Your Journey Ethical Issues and Conflicts of Interest
After a brief refresher on the conflict of interest rules, this presentation on ethics will explore the “Separate Ways” as they affect environmental and energy attorneys.
Amy K. Kendall, Esq. | Knauf Shaw, LLP., Rochester, NY
1.0 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice
Agency Update
Friday, January 29, 2021
1.0 MCLE Credit- 1.0 Area of Professional Practice
This program is transitional and is suitable for all attorneys including those newly admitted
4:00 PM – 4:05 PM
Welcome and Introduction/Section Business Meeting
Section Chair
Nick M. Ward-Willis, Esq. | Keane & Beane, PC, White Plains, NY
4:05 PM – 4:15 PM
Business Meeting and Election of Officers
Nominating Committee Report
Yvonne E. Hennessey, Esq. | Section Secretary; Barclay Damon LLP., Albany, NY
4:15 PM – 4:20 PM
Environmental & Energy Law Section Council’s Certificates of Merit
Louis A. Alexander, Esq. | Awards Committee Chair; NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY
4:20 PM – 4:25 PM
Environmental & Energy Law Section Social Media Tutorial
Drew V. Gamils, Esq. | Social Media Committee Co-Chair; Keane & Beane, P.C. White Plains, NY
Rachel L. Partington, Esq. | Social Media Committee Co-Chair; Knauf Shaw LLP., Rochester, NY
4:25 PM – 5:30 PM
Agency Updates
The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the NYS Attorney General’s office, Environmental Protection Bureau and the Public Service Commission will provide an update as to Agency policies, important cases, enforcement initiatives, new guidance documents and internal regulations. There will also be a discussion of the impact of the pandemic, a year in review (or a year to forget) and what to look for in 2021.
Walter E. Mugdan, Esq. | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Deputy Regional Administrator, EPA Region 2, New York, NY
Robert Rosenthal, Esq. | General Counsel, Department of Public Service, Public Service Commission and the New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment, Albany, NY
Andrew J. Gershon, Esq. | Assistant Attorney General, Senior Counsel, Enforcement, Environmental Protection Bureau, New York State Office of the Attorney General, New York, NY
1.0 Credit in Areas of Professional Practice

$119: Section Member | $149: NYSBA Member | $269: Non-NYSBA Member
REGULAR REGISTRATION (1/1/21 and after)
$159: Section Member | $199: NYSBA Member | $359: Non-NYSBA Member
IMPORTANT: For those of you that wish to attend multiple Section or Committee programs, we are extending a discount of 25% off the pricing of 2 or more programs, however you must contact our MRC Department directly and register over the phone.
A Virtual Reception Sponsored by Langan, Roux, SESI and Tenen
Funds will support the Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship in Environmental & Energy Law
The Environmental and Energy Law Section’s Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship Program is designed to encourage diverse law students to enter the field of environmental and energy law. The selected Fellowship recipient receives a stipend to spend the summer working on legal matters for a government environmental or energy agency or public interest environmental organization in New York State. EELS began this program in 1992 and appreciates your support of this Fellowship.
Registration Fee – $75
The registration includes a wine sampler shipped to you in advance of the event. A portion of this registration fee will support next year’s diversity fellowship and their summer intern salary.
Registrations received after deadline will not allow time for shipping the wine sampler.
Additional Support for the Fellowship
Support in addition to the registration fee would be greatly appreciated and will go directly to the EELS D&I Fellowship program.
Please Check Desired Fellowship Sponsor Level
- Vineyard– $50
- Sommelier – $150
- Vintage – $300
Other – If you wish to donate a different amount, Please contact Amy Jasiewicz at: ajasiewicz@nysba.org
2 Ways to Register:
- To register online, go to: ORG/eelsAM2021reception – Please be sure to send your mailing address for the wine sampler to Amy Jasiewicz at: ajasiewicz@nysba.org
- Or, download this fillable PDF form and return to:
Amy Jasiewicz New York State Bar Association 1 Elk Street, Albany, NY 12207
Email: ajasiewicz@nysba.org Phone: 518-487-5682
If you have questions please contact us at 800.582.2452 | mrc@nysba.org
Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Certificate of Merit
New York State Bar Association Environmental and Energy Law Section 2021
Drew Gamils
Keane & Beane, P.C.
Drew Gamils is an associate at Keane & Beane, P.C. where her practice is devoted to the areas of planning and zoning, and litigation pertaining to land use, municipal, environmental and real estate matters. Ms. Gamils provides general counsel services to municipalities in Westchester and Dutchess Counties regarding all aspects of municipal operations, including land use and zoning matters. Ms. Gamils also provides advice to private clients regarding land use applications and assists the firm’s public and private sector clients in complying with the State Environmental Quality Review Act, the New York City Watershed Regulations and other environmental regulatory requirements. She regularly appears before municipal boards throughout the Hudson Valley on behalf of developers, businesses, and individuals. She also serves as counsel to local planning and zoning boards. Her litigation experience includes matters related to compliance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), challenges to local planning and zoning board decisions, as well as both prosecution and defense of zoning and building code violations.
Ms. Gamils has presented on issues related to the coronavirus, public meetings, 5G wireless telecommunication, and zoning for the Dutchess County Municipal Planning Federation, local bar associations and local business organizations.
Ms. Gamils received her juris doctor, cum laude, from the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University in 2016, with a Certificate in Environmental Law, and received her bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry in 2013. She is admitted to practice in New York, New Jersey, the Southern District of New York and the Eastern District of New York.
Rachel L. Partington
Knauf Shaw LLP
Rachel L. Partington is co-chair of the NYSBA Environmental and Energy Law’s Social Media Committee. She is an associate at Knauf Shaw LLP, where she focuses her law practice in Environmental, Land Use, and Municipal Law. She works with developers, businesses, municipalities, non-profits and others on matters including Superfund litigation, brownfield redevelopment, New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) compliance, planning and zoning review, smart growth, and renewable energy development.
She has also guest-lectured at Wells College on Sustainability and Environmental Issues and serves as counsel to the Catskill Explorer Organization, which promotes and oversees renewable infrastructure, transportation, and tourism in the Catskill Mountains.
Ms. Partington received her juris doctor from the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, where she graduated from the school’s Real Estate and Land Use program and worked at the Land Use Law Center.

Sip, Swirl and Support Reception Sponsors
Interested in being a sponsor?
Contact the Environmental & Energy Law Section Liaison
Amy Jasiewicz
(518) 487-5675
We’re pleased to announce an additional 25% discount on all Books, eBooks, Online Forms and Pamphlets currently available in our online store during Annual Meeting.
Use discount code: PUBAM21 during the checkout process.
- The discount code (PUBAM21) expires on January 29 on the final day of Annual Meeting
- The 25% discount will be taken off of your qualifying process based on your NYSBA Membership status
- On-Demand CLE programs available in the online store do not qualify for the 25% discount.
Zoning, Land Use And Environmental Law, 2020-21
Regular Member Price: $125.00
Real Estate Titles, Fourth Edition
Regular Member Price: $185.00
NY Environmental Lawyer
Interested in writing an article for The New York Environmental Lawyer? Please contact Miriam E. Villani at mvillani@swc-law.com.

If you would like to view and register for our Section’s additional upcoming events, or access the on-demand library for past events, please visit our Section’s page here: