Author: Alyssa

Ethics Opinion 1104

Topic:  Legal fees; lien; mortgage; securing legal fees by having client sign promissory note secured by a mortgage against the client’s property.

September 14, 2016: Serving the Legal Needs of Low-Income New Yorkers Focus of a State Bar Conference September 14-16

More than 550 attorneys and paralegals from across New York meet in Albany this week to discuss how best to assist low-income individuals with a wide range of legal issues, including immigration, foreclosure, domestic violence, government benefits and housing. The New York State Bar Association’s 2016 Legal Assistance Partnership Conference, titled “Justice Rising,” begins Wednesday … Continued

September 8, 2016: NYSBA and WBASNY Commit to Expanding Legal Services for Domestic Violence Victims

The New York State Bar Association and the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York today announced a joint initiative to enhance access to legal services by victims of domestic violence. Women and men who leave abusive relationships frequently have limited resources. Many desperately need legal assistance in seeking orders of protection against … Continued

August 29, 2016: Fund To Help Louisianans with Flood-Related Legal Needs, Announced By NYS Bar Association and Its Foundation

The New York State Bar Association and The New York Bar Foundation are seeking donations to provide legal services for residents of flood-ravaged Louisiana, which the American Red Cross has called “the worst natural disaster to strike the United States since Hurricane Sandy four years ago.” The two organizations set up similar disaster-relief efforts to … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1101

Topic: Advertising; dual practice; link from law firm’s website to real estate brokerage information

Ethics Opinion 1103

Topic: Conflicting interests; representation of competing enterprises; substantial relationship

Ethics Opinion 1100

Topic: Specialization; Use of the designation “Accredited Estate Planner®” on an attorney’s website and business cards

June 24, 2016: Governor Cuomo Should Establish Commission on Constitution to Prepare for 2017 Vote, Says New York State Bar Association

In a letter today to Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State Bar Association President Claire P. Gutekunst urged him to issue an executive order establishing a preparatory commission in advance of a constitutionally-mandated statewide referendum in 2017 on whether to hold a constitutional convention in 2019. “Time is short, but it is not too late,” … Continued