Author: Alyssa

April 11, 2016: Governor Cuomo Asked by New York State Bar Association to Prepare for 2017 Vote on State Constitution

New York State Bar Association President David P. Miranda, saying “time is short,” has asked Governor Andrew Cuomo to issue an executive order to create a commission to prepare for the 2017 voter referendum on whether to authorize a constitutional convention. In an April 8 letter, Miranda noted that, although Cuomo had proposed a preparatory commission … Continued

April 5, 2016: Balance of Power Between New York State and Local Governments has Shifted, Needs Further Study, Says State Bar Association

The Home Rule provision of the state Constitution “is a subject ripe for consideration and debate,” concludes the New York State Bar Association in a report that describes how the autonomy of local governments has been eroded by state laws and court decisions. Constitutional Home Rule, in theory, grants local governments the authority to decide … Continued