Author: Alexandre Petraglia

New York State Law Digest: March 2024

CASE LAW DEVELOPMENTS Court of Appeals Holds That Division of Human Rights Rationally Concluded That Threat of Litigation Can Qualify as Required Adverse Action to Support Retaliation Claim But Rules That DHR Improperly Shifted Burden on Whether Activity Was Protected In Matter of Clifton Park Apts., LLC v. New York State Div. of Human Rights, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1263: Part-time town attorney’s representation of criminal defendants in centralized arraignment part

TOPIC: Part-time town attorney’s representation of criminal defendants in centralized arraignment part. DIGEST: A part-time town attorney who has no prosecutorial responsibilities may, in his role as a part-time county public defender, represent criminal defendants at arraignments before a justice of the same town’s court even if that justice sometimes sits on rotation in a … Continued