Author: Jennifer

Membership That Matters: New York State Bar Insurance Program

The New York State Bar Insurance program offers members access to insurance solutions specially designed for NY attorneys. NYSBA membership now gives you access to a suite of insurance products and financial solutions to fit the various aspects of your life and career. These insurance benefits are available only to New York State Bar Association … Continued

NYSBA Co-hosts National Legal Innovation Tournament With Hofstra Law School

The New York State Bar Association, the Maurice A. Deane School of Law, and Hofstra’s School of Engineering and Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship will host a virtual National Legal Innovation Tournament on Oct. 7. The interdisciplinary tournament will bring together law and computer science students from across the country to compete to design apps … Continued

Two Capital Region Lawyers Honored for Excellence in Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare by New York State Bar Association

The New York State Bar Association honored two Capital Region legal champions with the Howard A. Levine Award for Excellence in Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare — Justice Elizabeth A. Garry, presiding justice of the New York State Appellate Division, Third Department, and Rensselaer County child advocate Douglas Broda. The award recognizes vital work undertaken … Continued

Great Dissents: ‘Matters of High Principle’ at the Court of Appeals

Some of the greatest opinions in Supreme Court history are dissents.[1] To be sure, Justice John Marshall Harlan’s lone dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson would be included in any “greatest” list. Protesting the majority’s separate-but-equal doctrine, Harlan insisted that “[o]ur Constitution is color-blind and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.” As every law … Continued

New York State Bar Association Task Force To Examine Emerging Digital Currencies, Association Participation in the Digital Space

The New York State Bar Association has launched a task force to make recommendations on how New York should regulate virtual currencies and digital assets and advise the association what the new technology can do for its operations. “The rapid growth of the metaverse/Web3 and the digital economy present a confluence of issues for lawyers,” … Continued

Leading the Way for Lawyers on Crypto

In financial circles, summer 2022 will go down in history as the summer of the crypto crash – a moment of reckoning for a once high-flying industry when a toxic combination of overheated growth, speculation and risk resulted in crippling losses for thousands of investors. Crypto naysayers are engaged in a series of “I told … Continued

How a Housing Project, a Pancake House and Car Dealership Impacted Tax Certiorari Practice in the State of New York

In DCH Auto v. Town of Mamaroneck, the New York State Court of Appeals unanimously reversed the Appellate Division, Second Department, and held that a “net lessee contractually obligated to pay the real estate taxes of the subject property is included within the meaning of ‘the person whose property is assessed’ under [Real Property Tax … Continued

Going Off on Your Own: Checklist for Launching A Successful Law Firm

Starting your own business can be simultaneously exciting and nerve-racking. It requires careful planning and commitment to get off to a good start. We’ll walk you step by step through all the essential steps to launch a successful law firm in the Digital Age.   Choose your practice area  When choosing an area of law to … Continued