Author: Natalia Carmon

NY Business Law Journal – Vol. 28 No. 1

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Ethics Opinion 1269: Part-Time Judge; Part-Time Public Defender; Conflict of Interest

Topic: Part-Time Judge; Part-Time Public Defender; Conflict of Interest Digest: A part-time assistant public defender whose law partner is both his cousin and a part-time town court judge may not represent clients of the public defender’s office in the town court where his cousin/law partner and his cousin’s co-judge serve because that representation would violate … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1268: Confidential information; publication of article about issues arising in a case handled by the lawyer

Topic:  Confidential information; publication of article about issues arising in a case handled by the lawyer Digest:  After the termination of the representation, a lawyer may publish an article that discusses legal issues in the representation, as long as the article does not reveal confidential information without the consent of the client.  Confidential information does … Continued