Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 123

NEW YORK STA’TE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #123 – 12/05/1969 (31-69) Topic: House Counsel as attorney of record on behalf of employer corporation, duty of lawyer Digest: House Counsel may appear as attorney of record on behalf of employer Canon: Canon 2, DR 2-104(A) (4) QUESTION An attorney, employed full time on … Continued

Ethics Opinion 101a

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #101(a) – 12/05/1969 (27-69) Harmonizes #101 communication, opposing party, trustee Topic: Direct communication with adverse party Digest: Lawyer trustee in bankruptcy may cause orders and formal notices to be served directly on bankrupt Canon: Former Canon 9 QUESTION May a lawyer trustee in bankruptcy cause … Continued

Ethics Opinion 121

New York State Bar Association medical lien medical lien Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #121-10/30/69 (25-69) Topic: Attorney signing medical lien Digest: Not unethical for a lawyer to sign medical lien form QUESTION May an attorney sigh the medical lien form quoted below or any assignment or lien form in favor of a doctor? Patient’s Name: _____________________________ To: Attorney__________________________________ For Doctor _________________________________ I do hereby … Continued

Ethics Opinion 122

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #122 10/30/1969 (21-69) advertisements, education, lawyers association, litigation, newspapers and news media, public Topic: Advertising by association of attorneys advertisements, education, lawyers association, litigation, newspapers and news media, public Digest: An association of defense attorneys may use billboards and other information media to improve the … Continued

Ethics Opinion 120

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #120 – 10/30/1969 (24-69) law office Topic: Billing practices Digest: Attorney should bill client for whom specific services were performed QUESTION An attorney is retained by a building contractor to obtain a zoning variance. The client had engaged a subcontractor to do part of the … Continued

Ethics Opinion 119

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #119 – 10/30/1969 (19-69) Topic: Newspaper stories Digest: Acquiescence in newspaper comments concerning attorney’s activities Canons: Former Canon 27, Code of Professional Responsibility (effective Jan. 1, 1970) – DR 2-101A QUESTION After a large real estate transaction has been completed, may the attorney for the … Continued

Ethics Opinion 118

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #118 10/30/1969 (15-69)Topic: Practicing in partner’s courtDigest: Village police judge sitting in judgement on criminal matters where partner is assistant District AttorneyCanons: Judicial Canons 4, 5, 13, 26 and 33QUESTIONA and B are partners in a law firm. A is the Village Judge. His partner … Continued

Ethics Opinion 117

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #117 – 10/30/1969 (11-69) bank, credit card, legal fees, intermediary Topic: Professional fees paid through intermediary; use of bank credit card plan Digest: Improper for lawyer to use bank charge plan subscribed to by both attorney and client for payment of professional fees Canon:  Former Canon … Continued

Ethics Opinion 105a

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #105(a) – 10/30/1969 (24-68) Withdraws #105 Topic: Use of academic degrees Digest: Under new Code lawyers may show earned law degrees on letterheads and other listings; and may use title “Doctor” provided their earned law degree is a J.D. or other legal doctorate Canons: Code … Continued

Ethics Opinion 116

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #116 – 10/06/1969 (16-69) existing clients, funds of client Topic: Investment Services; Compensation Digest: Management of investment account for client proper Canon: Former Canon 27 QUESTION May a lawyer properly agree, at the request of a client to manage an investment account for his client, … Continued