Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 104

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #104 – 06/10/1969 (10-68) Topic:  Fees, Lay forwarder existing clients, legal fees, non-legal fees, intermediary Digest:  Receiving a fee from a fire adjuster Canons:  Former Canons 28, 34, 35 QUESTION An attorney has asked whether it is proper for him to receive a fee from … Continued

Ethics Opinion 103

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #103 – 06/10/1969 (3-69) advertisements, contributions by, partnership, publicity Topic:  Charitable gifts as indirect advertising Digest:  Law firm name may appear on a plaque in a law school where firm makes contribution to law school’s building fund. Canon:  Former Canon 27 QUESTION May a law school … Continued

Ethics Opinion 102

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #102 – 05/02/1969 (8-69) adverse interests, confidences, conflict of interests, employment, legal services, matrimonial matters, partnership, representation Topic: Conflict of Interests Digest: A legal Aid Society formerly representing a wife in a matrimonial is now requested to represent the husband Canon: Former Canon 6 QUESTION … Continued

Ethics Opinion 101

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #101 – 05/02/1969 (7-69) bankruptcy, communication, opposing party, trustee Harmonized by #101(a) Topic:  Direct communication with adverse party Digest:  Direct communication with bankrupt by lawyer trustee in bankruptcy is improper Canon:  Former Canon 9 QUESTION May an attorney who has been appointed a Trustee in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 100

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #100 – 05/02/1969 (4-69) Topic: Newspaper Publicity advertisements, newspapers and news media, publicity, self-laudation Digest: Press release referring to attorneys – indirect advertising Canon: Former Canon 27 QUESTION Is it ethical for an attorney to promote, inspire or encourage a newspaper to publish a report … Continued

Ethics Opinion 099

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #99 – 05/02/1969 (29-68) appearance, criminal practice, employment, part-time public official or employee, prosecutors Topic:  Conflict of Interests Digest:  District Attorneys Improper for an Assistant District Attorney to represent an accused in an adjoining county. Canons:  Former Canons 6, 29 QUESTION May an Assistant District … Continued

Ethics Opinion 098

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #98 – 01/30/1969 (27-68) intermediary, labor, law practice, lawyer referral serice, legal services, publicity, representation Modified by 416 Topic:  Circular announcing free legal services by union lawyers Digest: Circular improper where named lawyer’s abilities are publicized and where announcement of free legal services to union … Continued

Ethics Opinion 097

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #97 – 01/30/1969 (1-69) adverse interests, conflict of interests, client consent, representation Topic:  Conflict of interest Digest:  May an attorney represent creditor and bankrupt Canon:  Former Canon 6 QUESTION May an attorney who represents a creditor also represent the same creditor’s debtor in a bankruptcy … Continued

Ethics Opinion 096

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #96 – 01/30/1969 (30-68) adverse interests, confidences, conflict of interests, employee, repesentation Topic: Conflict of interest Digest: Improper for a lawyer to defend an appeal for a new client when a successful defense would be detrimental to the interest of a former client in a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 095

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #95 – 01/30/1969 (19-68) accounting, confidences, disclosure, law firm, secrets, service to lawyers Topic: Data Processing Digest: Law Office accounting information supplied to a data processor Canon:  Former Canon 37 QUESTION May a law office, in the course of its accounting procedures, supply a data … Continued