Category: Ethics Opinions

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 27

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #27 – 03/01/1966 (12-65) corporation, dual practice, solicitation Topic: Legal Research Service Digest: Improper to offer legal research service to business corporations or non-lawyers, but no impropriety in offering such service to other lawyers Canons: Former Canons 27, 45, 47 QUESTION Two members of the … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 26

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #26 – 02/09/1966 (17-65) adverse interests, business interests, conflict of interests, dual practice, legal fees, partnership, real estate, solicitation Topic: Dual Practice, Business Feeder for Law Practice Overruled (in part) by 493 Digest: Improper for lawyer to use his name in real estate business and … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 25

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #25 – 02/09/1966 (15-65) adverse interests, confidences, conflict of interests, representation, secrets Topic: Compromise of Prior Client’s Confidences Digest: Improper for lawyer to undertake suit against former client where client’s secrets or confidences might be divulged Canon: Former Canon 6 QUESTION An attorney who represented … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 24

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #24 – 02/09/1966 (13-65) advertisements, holding out, patent practice, specialization, trademark practice Topic: Patent Specialization, Title in Signature Digest: No impropriety in corporate patent attorney indicating his speciality as a title after his signature Canon: Former Canon 27 QUESTION The Associate Director of the Patent … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 23

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #23 – 02/09/1966 (11-65) adverse interests, appearance, conflict of interests, criminal practice, part-time public, prosecutors, public, representation, town/village Topic: Conflict of Interest.  Part-Time Public Employee Digest: Improper for same individual to serve as both Village Attorney and Public Defender Canon: None QUESTION Is it possible … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 21

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #21 – 12/20/1965 (10-65) advertisements, holding out, patent practice, specialization, trademark practice Topic: Advertising, Patent Specialization Digest: Proper to indicate one’s specialization on letterhead where practice is in one of the recognized specialties Canon: Former Canon 27 QUESTION 1.         May the professional letterhead of … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 20

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #20 – 12/10/1965 (9-64) Topic: Advertising, Political Activity, Lawyer with Aspirations for Public Office Digest: Improper for lawyer who aspires to public office to send congratulatory messages to those personally unknown to him and with whom the lawyer has no personal relations Canon: Former Canon … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 09

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #9 – 12/08/1965 (10-64) bidding, existing clients, employment, legal profession, public Topic: Bidding for Employment. Digest: Improper for lawyer to bid competitively for employment with municipal corporation. Canon: None QUESTION Dear Mr. “X”: Your letter addressed to Mr. Hugh R. Jones, formerly Chairman of this … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 19

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #19 – 12/01/1965 (7-65) Topic: Conflict of Interest. Law Practice of Part-Time Judge Digest: Lawyer should not practice in court in which he sits as part­ time judge Canon: Judicial Canon 31 QUESTION The Charter of an upstate New York city provides for an election … Continued

NYSBA Ethics Opinion 18

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee Opinion Opinion #18 – 11/01/1965 (9-65) advertisements, holding out, specialization Disapproved in part by 265 Topic: Advertising, Professional Directory Digest: Classified and alphabetical listing of attorney is proper so long as there is no reference to a specialization other than the traditional specialties of the bar Canon: … Continued