Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 1259: Collaboration between lawyer and paralegal

Topic: Collaboration between lawyer and paralegal Digest: Subject to various Rules regarding fee sharing, referral fees, solicitation, aiding the unauthorized practice of law, and supervision of nonlawyers, a lawyer may enter into a non-exclusive agreement with a paralegal who refers clients to the lawyer and completes forms for submission to judicial and non-judicial bodies. Rules: … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1257: Conflicts of Interest; Former District Attorney in Public Defender’s Office

Topic: Conflicts of Interest; Former District Attorney in Public Defender’s Office Digest:A former district attorney may be employed by a public defender’s office in the same county. The former district attorney shall not personally represent a public defender client in a matter in which he was personally and substantially involved as district attorney or in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1255: Romantic Relationship Between Criminal Defense Attorney and County Deputy Sheriff

Topic: Romantic Relationship Between Criminal Defense Attorney and County Deputy Sheriff Digest:Where a criminal defense attorney is in a romantic relationship with a county deputy sheriff, the attorney must determine if a reasonable lawyer would conclude there is a significant risk that the attorney’s independent professional judgment on behalf of the client will be adversely … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1253: Conflicts of Interest Among Family Members

Topic: Conflicts of interest among family members Digest: A lawyer who represents the Executor of an estate and simultaneously represents a beneficiary of the estate in an unrelated matter does not have a concurrent conflict of interest. “Differing interests” may arise where lawyer  simultaneously represents both an estate’s Executor/beneficiary and a co-beneficiary as co-defendants in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1252: Referral Fees for NonLegal Services

Topic: Referral Fees Digest: A licensed attorney who only provides nonlegal services to real estate clients may receive referral fees from a third-party investment advisor. Rules: 1.7, 1.8, 5.7 FACTS: The inquirer is a member of the New York State bar but does not engage in the practice of law. Instead, the inquirer works as a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1251

Topic: YouTube channel; general legal information; advertising Digest: As a general proposition, creating videos for a YouTube channel to educate the public or legal profession about matters of general or specific interest is a permitted activity and does not necessarily constitute “advertising” as that term is defined in the Rules of Professional Conduct, but in … Continued

Ethics Opinion 1249

Topic: Confidentiality; joint clients; return of clients’ files when there has been joint representation Digest: In a joint representation, there is a presumption that the lawyer will share confidential information received from each co-client with the other co-client, but that presumption does not extend to confidential information the lawyer received prior to the inception of … Continued