Category: Ethics Opinions

Opinion 458

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #458 – 01/21/1977 (125-76) existing clients, education, legal bulletins, newspapers, solicitation Topic: Newsletter; improper solicitation Digest: Circumstances under which law firm may distribute newsletter bearing its name that has been prepared by others Code: EC 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 9-6; DR 2-101(A) and (B), 2-103, … Continued

Opinion 457

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #457 – 01/20/1977 (87-76) appearance, conflict of interests, estate, part-time public, public, state, tax Topic: Public employee engaged in private practice; conflict of interest. Digest: Rule prohibiting State estate tax attorney from representing private client in State estate tax matters precludes representation of client in … Continued

Opinion 456

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #456- 01/05/1977 (112-76) former clients, defamation, grievance, litigation, privilege Topic: Suit against former client; defamation action by lawyer based on complaint filed with grievance committee Digest: Improper to sue former client for defamation where lawyer has reason to believe that defamatory statements would be protected … Continued

Opinion 455

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #455 – 12/30/1976 (100-76) children, existing clients, confidences, criminal practice, illegal conduct, unlawful or Topic: Counseling violation of law of another state Digest: Improper for lawyer to counsel or assist client in violating law of another state Code: Canon 7; EC 7-5, 7-22; DR 7-102(A)(7) … Continued

Opinion 454

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion # 454 – 12/30/1976 (84-76) bankruptcy, confidences, client consent, disclosure, duty of lawyer, employment, fraud Topic: Disclosure; confidences and secrets of client Digest: Disclosure of confidences and secrets no longer required Code:  Canons 4 and 7; DR 4-101(B) and (C), 7-102 (B) (1) QUESTION Subsequent … Continued

Opinion 453

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #453 – 12/14/1976 (82-76) confidences, conflict of interests, client consent, municipality, part-time public, public, tax, town/village Topic: Deputy town attorney; tax certiorari; practice by former deputy town attorney Digest: Former deputy town attorney may represent clients in tax certiorari proceedings under certain circumstances Code: EC … Continued

Opinion 451

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #451 – 12/13/1976 (93-76) appearance, legal fees, part-time public, prosecutors Topic: Part-time district attorney; sharing salary with law partners Digest: Not improper for part-time district attorney to share his official salary with partners in private practice Code: EC 7-13; 8-8; 9-6 QUESTION May a part-time … Continued

Opinion 450

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #450 – 12/13/1976 (104-76) appearance, conflict of interests, municipality, part-time public, prosecutors, public, real estate, town/village Topic: Part-time town attorney; Conflict of interest Digest: Conditions under which part-time town attorney may represent clients in private matters which may potentially involve conflict with municipality Code: Canons … Continued

Opinion 449

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #449 – 12/13/1976 (99-76) advertisements, advice, class action, communication, solicitation Topic: Publication of notice by attorney; legal periodicals Digest: Not improper for attorney to publish notice in legal periodical inviting other attorneys who represent clients similarly situated to communicate with him Code: DR 2-103; 2-104 … Continued

Opinion 448

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #448 – 12/13/1976 (74-76) arbitration Topic: Arbitration: Propriety of disputant’s lawyer serving on public arbitration panel Digest: Lawyer for party to arbitration under Civil Service Law may serve as a non­neutral arbitrator on public arbitration panel Code: EC 5-20 QUESTION Is the lawyer for one … Continued