Category: Ethics Opinions

Ethics Opinion 371

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #371 – 02/26/1975 (52-74) collection, communication, legal fees, law practice, lawyer referral, recommendation for Topic: Acceptance by attorney of referral cases from collection agency which selected him Digest: In the absence of authorization from client it would be improper to accept reference case from collection … Continued

Ethics Opinion 370

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #370 – 12/19/1974 (53-74) legal fees, judges, partnership, salary, town Topic: Sharing salary by part­time judge Digest: Town Justice may not share his salary with his law partners, either directly or indirectly Code of Judicial Conduct: Canon 2 QUESTION May a lawyer who is a … Continued

Ethics Opinion 369

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #369 – 12/19/1974 (51-74) corporation, employee, legal fees, judges, partnership, professional, salary Topic: Professional legal corporation division of fees received by lawyer employees Digest: Fees received by salaried lawyer employee of professional legal corporation may properly be turned over to the corporation Code: EC 2-22; … Continued

Ethics Opinion 368

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #368 – 11/22/1974 (47-74) appearance, conflict of interests, prosecutors, public, spouse-lawyer Topic: Conflict of interests; Lawyer spouses representing conflicting interests Digest: Not per se improper for lawyer to represent client against county which employs lawyer’s spouse In county attorney office, but lawyer spouses should not … Continued

Ethics Opinion 367

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #367- 11/22/1974 (46-74) appearance, conflict of interests, criminal practice, part-time, prosecutors, public Modified by 544 Topic: Part-time County Attorney; Conflicts Digest: Part-time county attorney following assumption of public duties may not continue to represent private clients in criminal matters Code: Canon 9; EC 8-8, 9-1, … Continued

Ethics Opinion 366

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #366 – 10/25/1974 (45-74) law pracitce, partnership, sale of Topic: Purchase of interest in law partnership Digest: Proper for incoming partner to purchase an interest in lawyer partnership assets Code: Canon 9; EC 4-6 QUESTION May an incoming partner in a law firm properly purchase … Continued

Ethics Opinion 365

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #365 – 10/25/1974 (44-74) appearance, conflict of interests, judges, quasi-judicial Topic: Quasi-judicial officer; limitation on practice of officer, partners and associates Digest: Restrictions imposed on practice of part-time member of Administrative Appeals Board, his partners and associates, before Motor Vehicle Department are same as judge … Continued

Ethics Opinion 364

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #364 – 10/25/1974 (40-74) appearance, conflict of interests, client consent, municipality, part-time, public, school board Topic: Conflict of interest Digest: Member of school board may not represent property owner seeking re-assessment even though the interests of the school district are handled by the city assessor … Continued

Ethics Opinion 363

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #363 – 10/25/1974 (32-74) admiralty, advertisements, holding out, litigation, malpractice ,personal injury practice, specialization Topic: Announcement to bar of limitation of practice Digest: Proper for an attorney to advertise in Bar journal that he specializes in certain types of litigation or in admiralty, if limited … Continued

Ethics Opinion 362

NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion #362 – 10/25/1974 (18-73) advertisements, bank, credit card, legal fees, solicitation Topic: Professional fees paid through bank credit card Digest: Not improper for lawyer to use bank charge plan subscribed to by both attorney and client for payment of professional fees where proper safeguards employed … Continued