Category: Media Mentions

NY State Bar Tells Lawyers: Play Nicely

The New York Law Journal quoted Immediate Past President Michael Miller and Committee on Attorney Professionalism Chair Andrew Oringer on the State Bar’s adopted standards of civility. (may require subscription) In an era when politicians and pundits alike are bemoaning society’s lack of civility, the New York State Bar Association is announcing today that it … Continued

State, County Bar Associations to Take Over Screening of Judicial Candidates

The New York Law Journal quoted Task Force on the Evaluation of Candidates for Election to Judicial Office Robert Haig and Susan Phillips Read on the new vetting process for judicial candidates. (may require subscription) “Having effective, partisan-free judicial evaluation and screening processes in place throughout the state is critical to ensuring that candidates for … Continued

One Day Act Could Benefit Immigrants in New York State

NPR News quoted Committee on Immigration Representation chair Camille Mackler on misconceptions surrounding undocumented immigrants and deportation. A change effected in the recent state budget legislation may have a big impact in immigrant communities. It’s called the One Day to Protect New Yorkers Act, or One Day Act, and it changes the maximum sentence for … Continued

Here’s What’s Holding Up the Legalizing of Marijuana in New York State

The Buffalo News quoted Committee on Cannabis Law co-chair Aleece Burgio on legalizing recreational marijuana use. (may require subscription) When state leaders moved ahead on the state budget without reaching agreement on legalizing recreational marijuana use, Gov. Andrew Cuomo indicated it wasn’t because he and legislators were on opposite ends of the debate. “In concept, … Continued

NY Bar To Probe Impact Of Shift To Uniform Atty Exam

Law360 reported on the new Task Force on the New York Bar Examination, which will examine how the UBE has affected the quality and diversity of New York lawyers. (may require subscription) The New York State bar said Monday it will examine how the state’s move to a uniform bar exam has affected the quality…

Task force will look at bar exam in New York state

The Buffalo Law Journal quoted Immediate Past President Michael Miller and President Hank Greenberg on the newly-created Task Force on the New York Bar Examination. (may require subscription) The New York State Bar Association will review the Unified Court System’s choice in 2015 to adopt the Uniform Bar Examination. The NYSBA announced Monday it formed … Continued