Category: Media Mentions

Lawyers With Cannabis Clients Face Ethical Challenges, Panel Says

The New York Law Journal reported on NYSBA’s Annual Meeting panel on cannabis law and the ethical considerations lawyers face with clients in the cannabis industry. (may require subscription) The panelists were discussing ethical issues that may arise for cannabis counsel while, at the same time, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced during his State of the … Continued

10 Actions You Can Take Now to Advance and Champion Women in Law

The New York Law Journal reported former Women in Law Section Chair Susan Harper’s ten actions to advance women in 2019. (may require subscription) Susan L. Harper, the founding Chair of the NYSBA Women in Law Section, lists 10 actions you can take today to advance women in the New Year.

Let the ‘Voice of Lawyers’ Be Heard

The New York Law Journal published President Hank Greenberg’s article on the importance of a lawyer’s voice and the rule of law. (may require subscription) Henry M. Greenberg, President-elect of the New York State Bar Association, writes: Now more than ever, the voice of lawyers must be heard. Our clients and communities need our wisdom. … Continued

What We Do: Service to the Public and the Profession

The New York Law Journal published Immediate Past President Miller’s call to members to celebrate NYSBA’s mission. (may require subscription) Michael Miller, President of the New York State Bar Association, calls upon members to celebrate the NYSBA’s mission: Service to the public and the profession.

Judiciary Requests 2 Percent Spending Increase From Cuomo, NY Lawmakers

The New York Law Journal quoted Immediate Past President Miller on the proposed attorney registration fee increase. (may require subscription) Michael Miller, President of the New York State Bar Association, calls upon members to celebrate the NYSBA’s mission: Service to the public and the profession.