Category: Section Highlights

EASL Virtual Brown Bag Lunch: U.S. Women’s Soccer Quest for Equal Pay

The EASL Section Sports Committee held a virtual brown bag lunch on August 19, 2020.  Carol Goodman led an interactive discussion of the recently decided ruling by U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner, which denied the U.S. Women’s National Team’s pay disparity claims under the Equal Pay Act against the U.S. Soccer Federation.  Ms. Goodman … Continued

Emerging Issues in Using Mobile Apps for Clinical Research

Since the advent of smart phones, lawmakers and regulators have been slow to react to the exponential development of mobile health apps. Health lawyers faced with advising clients on the first generation of mobile health apps faced the daunting task of trying to situate novel technologies onto laws that were promulgated in a pre-digital age: … Continued

Voices from NYSBA Global: Ulrich Fobian

Opening Address (adapted version) by Ulrich Fobian during the Human Rights Plenary, delivered on November 8, 2019 at the New York State Bar Associations’s Conference in Tokyo. I am white. 白人です. (I am white) I am South African. 南アフリカ人です. (I am South African) I am a beneficiary of a singular and exclusive society. I was … Continued

Honoring Judith Bresler

Judith Bresler passed peacefully at New York Presbyterian Hospital on May 21, 2020, following a valiant battle with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The distinguished lecturer and prominent art law attorney delighted in playing the piano, and flourished in her innate gift for language; writing poetry, mastering her boggle skills, and eventually becoming co-author of the leading treatise … Continued

Frontline Providers Need More Support during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are solely that of the authors who take full responsibility for this content. There are no conflicts of interest to report. It is often said that we are at war with an “invisible enemy” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the recent history of similar outbreaks (i.e., SARS, H1N1), failures in government … Continued

The Case For Virtual Mediation

Mediation, even if conducted virtually, is a viable alternative to case resolution pending the resumption of normal court operations.

The Time for Remote Co-op Closings Has Arrived

In the post-New York on Pause / pre-vaccine world that we may soon be entering, managing agents and cooperative apartment corporation boards should offer remote apartment closings as an option, if not the norm.