The Committee on Bar Leaders in New York State is a forum for New York bar leaders to exchange information and ideas.
The Committee works to advance the objectives of the organized bar, encourages communication and collaboration among bar associations, promotes leadership development for present and future bar leaders, hosts workshops and programs that provide educational opportunities and foster networking.
Online Community
The Committee has announced the winners the 2019 Bar Leaders Innovation Awards for local, diverse, special purpose and specialty bar associations in New York State, as well as for the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York.
The awards will be presented to each association during one their upcoming events. Congratulations to the winning bar associations and thank you to all the bars that participated.
The Committee is relaunching the Bar Around the Corner feature series, previously run in regular editions of NYSBA’s State Bar News. Click the link above to download the questionnaire, complete it and return as directed. Your profile will run in a subsequent Bar Blast and be uploaded to the Committee’s web page.
Bar Leaders Best Practices Webinar Series
Click any of the links below to view the webinar.
Developing Successful Collaborations with Other Bar Associations
With a large number and broad variety of bar associations across New York State, there are ample opportunities for bar groups to partner on projects and events that benefit both associations. This webinar will address the challenges and successes encountered when collaborating not only with bar associations, but with other legal, professional and civic groups that enhance the work of the legal profession.
Collaboration Best Practices Tip Sheet
Motivating Young Lawyers to Bar Service
Bar associations face a dual challenge when it comes to young lawyers – getting them to join and keeping them engaged. Millennial lawyers are not enrolling in professional and civic groups as did earlier generations. This webinar will look at how associations can provide relevance and opportunities for younger attorneys through innovative programs and outreach. It will also review strategies to more quickly advance younger attorneys into positions of responsibility and leadership.
Succession Planning to Enhance Your Bar’s Leadership
During any given year, your bar association’s leadership can make or break your operations – how you interact with your members and strengthen your association community. Panelists will address the need or succession planning and policies, practice tips and pitfalls encountered, how to engage Millennials in leadership positions and long-term succession plans.
Attracting, Engaging and Retaining New and Young Attorneys and Leveraging Social Media to Raise Your Association’s Profile
Attracting and retaining members are issues for all bar organizations and leaders. Panelists will provide their perspectives and approaches on how to connect with potential members and lead them to become active and engaged members of your association.
New York State Committee for Bar Leaders of New York State Hyperlinks
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