Formed as a Special Committee: June, 2007
Became Standing Committee: June, 2011
Revised: June, 2013
The Committee on Committees is charged with:
- developing a methodology for review of all standing and special committees and task forces, with the exception of the Executive, Nominating and Finance Committees, to assess whether they are within the scope of and relevant to the Association’s purposes and its membership, can be combined with any other existing committee(s), task force or section, or otherwise modified or reconstituted, and are functioning in a manner that is beneficial to the Association and in accordance with their missions;
- applying the resulting methodology to each such committee and task force, and thereafter recommending to the Association the continuation, modification or termination of each committee and task force so reviewed;
- reviewing each standing committee of the Association on a three year cycle and all task forces and special committees on an annual or two year cycle, as appropriate; and
- developing and reviewing guidelines for the creation of future standing committees, special committees, and task forces, and otherwise making recommendations to the Association with regard to its committees and task forces.
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