This committee address issues such as statutory conflicts of interest, gifts to public officials, local ethics codes and boards of ethics, appearances of impropriety, lobbying acts, and Rule of Professional Conduct specific to municipal attorneys and practice.
Mission Statement: Municipal attorneys face a bewildering array of ethics provisions governing the conduct of municipal officers and employees, scattered throughout the consolidated laws and beyond. In addition, the Code of Professional Conduct contains unique rules for those attorneys who work for municipalities. The Ethics and Professionalism Committee focuses on educating Section members about these various provisions and proposing changes to improve them. In particular, the Committee provides guidance on crafting local ethics laws that offer municipal officials a comprehensive and sensible ethics system that will assist them in avoiding actual and perceived conflicts of interest.
Committee Co-Chairs:
Co-Chair: Professor Mark L. Davies – [email protected]
Co-Chair: Steven Leventhal – [email protected]
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