The Executive Committee consists of the Section’s current officers, the Section’s Delegates to the Association’s House of Delegates, the Chairs of each of the Section’s Committees, and other members in good standing of the Section and the Association as appointed by the Executive Committee to serve in an at-large capacity. The Executive Committee also includes representatives from each county in which there is a Commercial Division of New York Supreme Court. All past Chairs of the Section, if they are not otherwise serving on the Executive Committee, are non-voting honorary members of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee is responsible for (1) discussion and adoption of positions of the Section, including passing on committee reports and commenting as requested on reports of other Sections and Committees of the New York State Bar Association and the ABA; (2) general supervision and control over the affairs and activities of the Section, including meetings, CLE programs, special events and receptions; (3) authorization of all commitments and contracts, and expenditure of all monies collected by the Section or appropriated for its use and purposes.
Executive Commitee Meeting Minutes
Online Community
Committee Roster
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