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The Executive Committee of the Young Lawyers Section has the responsibility for the general supervision and control of the affairs and activities of the Section, subject to the Bylaws of the Association and the Bylaws of the Section.

The Executive Committee of Young Lawyers Section comprises four (4) officers of the Section; one (1) representative and one (1) alternate representative member from each Judicial District of New York State; four (4) Young Lawyers Section Delegates to New York State Bar Association; one (1) Young Lawyers Section Delegate from the New York State Bar Association to the American Bar Association House of Delegates; all chairpersons of the Standing Committees of the Section; all Liaisons from the Section to other sections, divisions or committees of the New York State Association; and the Editor of Perspective. Additionally, any past Chairperson of this Section, if not otherwise serving on the Executive Committee and still a member of this Section, is an honorary, non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

Young Lawyers Section Call for Nominations for 2024-2025

Members of the Young Lawyers Section Executive Committee:

The Young Lawyers Section (YLS) is now accepting nominations for its 2024-2025 Executive Committee. We invite you to submit an application for a position on the YLS Executive Committee for the next term. The nomination form and list of positions available are attached.

The vast majority of positions are for one year, and begin on June 1, 2024 and end May 31, 2025. Please consider whether you will still qualify for YLS membership during that timeframe, which is available to those admitted to practice 10 years or less. If you would like to serve in any position on the Executive Committee, remember to renew your NYSBA and YLS dues for 2024. Go to: www.nysba.org/renew2024 or call the Member Service Center at: 1-800-582-2452 M – F, 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

If you would like to continue to serve in your current position on the Young Lawyers Section Executive Committee for the 2024—2025 term, you must submit a nomination form (see below) for that position for consideration by the Nominating Committee by Wednesday, December 20, 2023 to the Nominating Committee chair listed below. You will not be automatically renewed as we want to be sure everyone confirms they would like to continue to serve.

Benefits of Serving

As a leader, you will have opportunities to network on a larger scale with the YLS membership, and other Section and Association leaders who are regarded as top experts in their practice areas. You may assist in organizing virtual or in person district programs and events or section-wide initiatives. Most of all, you will serve with a talented group of young attorneys from around the state who help make the transition from law school to practice an easier one for young and newly-admitted attorneys. You will help by enhancing and developing career, professional, and leadership skills; providing opportunities for mentoring and networking with peers and seasoned practitioners; and serving as a champion in the facilitation and resolution of issues common to our membership.

Composition of the Executive Committee

The YLS Executive Committee is comprised of four (4) officers of the Section; one (1) representative and one (1) alternate representative member from each judicial district of New York State; four (4) YLS delegates and (1) YLS alternate delegate to the New York State Bar Association’s House of Delegates; one (1) YLS delegate from the New York State Bar Association to the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates; all chairpersons of the standing committees of the YLS; all liaisons from the YLS to other sections, divisions or committees of the New York State Bar Association; and the Editor of Perspective.

Open Positions

Please note that the following positions are not open to nominations due to the requirements of the Section’s bylaws: Chair, Chair-Elect, Treasurer and House of Delegates Delegates, Nominating Committee Chair, Bylaws Committee Chair, Long-Range Planning Committee Chair and the ABA positions. The current officers rotate through those positions through the Chair, Chair Elect and Treasurer positions once they serve as Secretary. The officer position that is open for nominations is Secretary and House of Delegates – YLS Alternate Delegate. It is preferred, but not required that these positions be filled by a member who has previously served in a position on the YLS Executive Committee and is familiar with the Section. Please the full list of positions attached.

If you would like to be considered for one of the elected officer positions (Secretary or Alternate Delegate to the House of Delegates), we ask that you submit a one or two (1-2) paragraph statement, indicating the position you are seeking and your reasons for seeking such position, along with your Nomination Form.

Nomination should be emailed to:
YLS Nominating Committee Chair, Marcella Jayne, [email protected]
and Staff Liaison, Amanda Logue, [email protected]

Deadline for Submission: Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Nomination Forms will be reviewed by the YLS Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will then prepare and vote upon the slate of Nominations. The slate will be presented to the Section members for a vote at the Annual Meeting.

On behalf of the Young Lawyers Section, we would like to encourage you to take advantage of the leadership opportunities available by serving on the YLS Executive Committee. We look forward to working with you in 2024!


Julie Houth
Young Lawyers Section

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