Thank you for registering for the EASL Spring Meeting!
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Panel One: Cutting-Edge Case Developments in Entertainment Law (Complete Panel Materials)
Panel Two: Recent Developments in the Right of Publicity (Complete Panel Materials)
APL-2017-00027 _ Gravano Reply Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant
APL-2017-00028 _ Lohan Reply Brief for Plaintiff-Appellant
Defining ROP for NY State Bar May 2018
DeHavilland CalApp
Foster v Svenson.NYAppDiv.4.15
Gravano decision 3-29.18 NYCofA
Gravano Motion for leave and brief
Gravano v. Lohan
Gravano_Brief for Plaintiff Appellant
Lohan decision 3-29.18 NYCofAf
Lohan_Brief for Plaintiff Appellant
Porco v Lifetime.Third Dept
No Doubt v. Activision Pub
Davis v. EA
Hart v. Electronic Arts, Inc.
Keller v. Electronic Arts, Inc.
Assembly Bill A08155A
Additional Materials
Panel Three: Sports Gambling in the United States – PASPA and Beyond (Complete Panel Materials)
Constructing a Sports Gambling System for New York
En Banc Opinion
New York-2017-S07900-Introduced
Public Law 102-559 Oct. 28, 1992