Ethics Opinion 093
NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee OpinionOpinion #93 – 12/05/1968 (20-68)
adverse interests, conflict of interests, intermediary, labor
Overruled by 578
Topic: Labor Unions
Digest: Improper for lawyers to join labor union which includes non-lawyer members
Canons: Former Canons 6, 29, 32, 35, 37, 44
Is it ethical for attorneys employed full time by an insurance company to affiliate with a Union and have all the rights that Union membership entails?
In the case of a Union composed of both lawyers and non-lawyers, it is the opinion of this Committee that it is improper for a lawyer to join the Union. It is not improper, however, for a lawyer employed by an insurance company to join a Union composed entirely of lawyers employed by the same company. See Joint Opinion N.Y. County 376, N.Y.City 687; also ABA Inf. 986 and 917; N.Y.City 870; N Y. County 554.