Ethics Opinion 166
NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee OpinionOpinion #166 – 11/06/1970 (43-70)
advertisements, self-laudation
Topic: Advertising; Office Signs
Digest: A dignified certificate stating attorney is approved agent of Title Company may not be displayed in office
Code: DR 2-101 and DR 2-102
May an attorney display a certificate in his office certifying that he is an approved attorney or agent of a title insurance company?
Display of a certificate, certifying an attorney as approved or as an agent of a title company or any other commercial organization would be improper even though the certificate appears in the lawyer’s office only. ABA Inf. 716 (1963); ABA 304 (1962). Such certificates appear to be endorsements and their display is improper self laudation and undignified. They are distinguishable from certificates of honor or from certificates of membership in bar associations and similar organizations.