Ethics Opinion 203
NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Professional Ethics Committee OpinionsOpinion #203 – 10/26/1971 (23-71)
appearance, conflict of interetss, employee, judges, partnership
Topic: Part-time judge
Digest: Partner and associate of a part-time judge have same prohibitions as the judge
Code: EC 9-2, 9-6
May a partner or an associate of a part-time judge practice law in a higher court in the same community?
The relations of partners in a law firm are such that neither the firm nor any member or associate thereof may accept any professional employment which any member of the firm cannot properly accept. ABA 296 (1959); N.Y. State 199 (1971).N.Y. State 146 (1970); N.Y. State 146(a) (1970); N.Y. State 150 (1970) and N.Y. State 181 (1971) all place limitations on the practice of part-time judges. These restrictions apply to a part-time judge’s partners and associates. See, EC 9-2; EC 9-6.