All Paths Lead to Rome? The Varied Paths to a Career in ADR

Title: All Paths Lead to Rome? The Varied Paths to a Career in ADR
This panel will discuss careers in international and domestic arbitration and in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Each panelist will bring a unique perspective and discuss their journey as dispute resolution professional. The goal of this panel is to have an open-ended discussion for the benefit of JD and LLM students; new practitioners and young lawyers who would like to develop a career in ADR.
This is only an in-person event and there will be a networking reception followed by panel discussion at the American Arbitration Association’s Café.
Venue: American Arbitration Association – International Centre for Dispute Resolution, 150 East 42nd St, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10017.
Kabir Duggal PHD, aAdjunct Faculty, Columbia Law School
Mansi Karol, Director Commercial Division, American Arbitration Association
Ross Kartez, Partner, Ruskin Moscou Faltischek
Rachel Gupta, Independent Mediator and Arbitrator, Gupta Dispute Resolutions LLC
New DR Practitioners and Young Lawyers Committee Co-Chairs
Jackie Nohan-Haley
Mansi Karol
Richard Janvey
- October 12, 2023
- 5:30 PM
- 7:45 PM
- New York City
- American Arbitration Association
150 East 42nd Street 17th floor
New York, NY 10017
- In-Person
- DRS101223
- Dispute Resolution Section
- Continuing Legal Education Committee