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Are Your Deals Out-Of-Date? Ready For Hybrid Distribution?

Are Your Deals Out-Of-Date? Ready For Hybrid Distribution?

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As the Old World of film distribution is crumbling, many filmmakers are using cutting edge strategies to succeed in the New World. Dealmaking hasn’t kept pace with the unprecedented changes transforming the industry. Too many dealmakers today continue to look backwards at the way things used to be rather than embracing new opportunities.

Many forward-looking filmmakers are unwilling to give all their rights to a single company. Their Plan A is hybrid, splitting rights among distributors and retaining key rights. This gives them greater control of their distribution and enables them to design and implement strategies customized to their content, core audiences, and goals.

Peter Broderick is one of the world's leading distribution strategists for independent filmmakers. He will give an overview of the benefits of new hybrid deals, the problems with traditional deals, and the importance of creating agreements which reflect the new realities of rapidly changing distribution. He will highlight key elements of state-of-the-art deals and give examples of unprecedented hybrid successes:

THE WISDOM OF TRAUMA – 7 day online premiere/4 million views worldwide/revenues the first week covered the film’s entire budget and fully financed their next film

FIVE SEASONS – 3 day online premiere/1 million views globally/ reached 20 times as many viewers as previous 1.5 year theatrical and semi-theatrical release

THE AGE OF CHAMPIONS – $1.5 million in revenues via slow distribution/ conferences and partnerships more important than festivals and distributors

Peter has consulted on over 1800 independent films in the past 25 years. He previously worked as a defense attorney in Washington, DC, assisted Terrence Malick on DAYS OF HEAVEN, and ran the finishing fund Next Wave Films, where he executive produced Chris Nolan's first feature FOLLOWING.

He is now focused on helping documentary filmmakers maximize revenues, audience, and career.

Start Date:
  • February 9, 2023
Start Time:
  • 1:00 PM
End Time:
  • 2:00 PM
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • EASL2923
Section Member Price: Free
Non-Member Price: $25.00
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Motion Pictures Committee
  • Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section