Estate Planning for Administration: A Great Plan is Only as Good as Its Execution
This course will help attorneys navigate and mitigate complications that can happen in an estate administration after an estate planning client passes away and/or there were gaps or mistakes in the estate planning. It will also help guide attorneys on key estate administration related items to consider and incorporate into their estate plans.
Speaker: Leah Del Percio | Founder and CEO | Trustate
- June 7, 2023
- 12:00 PM
- 1:00 PM
- 1.0
- 1.0
- Virtual Participation
12:00 – 12.05 pm
Welcome and Introduction
12:05 – 12.55 pm
Estate Planning for Administration: A Great Plan is Only as Good as Its Execution
This course will help attorneys navigate and mitigate complications that can happen in an estate administration after an estate planning client passes away and/or there were gaps or mistakes in the estate planning. It will also help guide attorneys on key estate administration related items to consider and incorporate into their estate plans.
Speaker: Leah Del Percio | Founder and CEO | Trustate
1.0 Credits in Areas of Professional Practice
12:55 – 1:00 pm
- Leah Del Percio, Esq., Trustate
- Webinar
- 0NA21
- Trusts & Estates Law Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education