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Estate Planning for Authors: What Lawyers Need to Know

Estate Planning for Authors: What Lawyers Need to Know

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Estate planning is important for all adults, to provide for their loved ones, and to make sure their money and property are distributed according to their wishes when they one day pass away.  Authors, however, have an additional interest—directing how their books and other creative property will be handled after their death.  In this webinar, attorney Edward M. McCoyd will discuss wills, trusts, and other estate planning instruments; the possibility of appointing a “literary executor” or “literary trustee” to manage the copyrights in an author’s estate; and providing for the administration of “digital assets,” such as the author’s website, social media pages, and accounts with online retailers and distributors.

Ed practices law in Garden City, New York.  He previously worked in the legal departments at McGraw-Hill Education and the Association of American Publishers, and as Director of Legal Services at the Authors Guild. 

Start Date:
  • June 8, 2023
Start Time:
  • 1:00 PM
End Time:
  • 2:00 PM
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • EASL6823
Section Member Price: Free
Non-Member Price: $25.00
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Literary Works and Related Rights Committee
  • Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section