Quiet Quitting? Not On Our Watch! Why Law School Should Still Matter To You
Law school is daunting. With few exceptions, however, a student who has committed to gaining a legal education should strongly consider working through the challenges. Our speakers will share their experiences in working with thousands of law students, through their trials and tribulations, to successful endings and careers.
Start Date:
- November 17, 2022
Start Time:
- 12:00 PM
End Time:
- 12:30 PM
- Virtual Participation
- Jennifer Clayton, Well-Being Program Manager, New York State Bar Association
- David Jaffe, Esq., American University Washington College of Law
- Webinar
Product Code:
- LAW111722
NYSBA Member Price:
Join (or renew) for special member pricing
Non-Member Price:
Sponsoring Committee Group
- Young Lawyers Section
- Committee on Continuing Legal Education