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Reclaim Your Calendar: Productivity & Time Management Tactics For Lawyers – Part 2

Reclaim Your Calendar: Productivity & Time Management Tactics For Lawyers – Part 2

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As lawyers, we spend years developing our expertise and honing our craft. Yet, most lawyers never receive any formal training in managing our most precious resource: TIME.  

Between the demands of being an attorney, showing up for our clients and colleagues, and fulfilling our obligations outside the office, it’s no wonder attorneys report feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. It seems like there is never enough time. Each year we recommit to being more organized and productive, but no matter the changes we make, we often find ourselves back in the same place: working at a crazed pace but feeling like we’ve accomplished very little at the end of the day. 

If any of this sounds familiar, this two-part webinar is for you. 

This mini-course with Alyssa Malin, Attorney, and Professional Certified Coach, is the ultimate guide for lawyers who want to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed, create a calm mindset, and reclaim ownership of their time. 

The concepts introduced over this two-part course will go beyond to-do lists and organizational systems to teach you the most effective approach to time management for busy attorneys. You will learn concrete techniques to help you stop procrastinating and go from feeling overwhelmed and anxious to calm and in control, so you can finally accomplish what you set out to do each day, be more present in your life, and create more time for what you love.

Start Date:
  • March 29, 2023
Start Time:
  • 12:00 PM
End Time:
  • 1:00 PM
  • Virtual Participation
  • Webinar
Product Code:
  • WLS32923
Section Member Price: Free
Non-Member Price: $25.00
Sponsoring Committee Group
  • Women in Law Section
  • Committee on Law Practice Management
  • Committee on Continuing Legal Education