Former Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Campaigns for Federal and New York State ERA at New York State Bar Association Women in Law Event

Former New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney will kick off the Women in Law Section program on the Equal Rights Amendment at the New York State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting at the Hilton Midtown in New York City on Thursday, Jan. 18.
The program, “Each One Reach One – Educating Our Community About the ERA,” will include conversations about history, civics, safety, employment and health.
Maloney is a leading advocate for the federal legislation to recognize ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. As a champion of women’s rights and equality throughout her 30-year career in Congress, Representative Maloney will discuss the legislation and the need for Constitutional change.
On Nov. 5, 2024, the Equality Amendment to the New York State Constitution will be on the ballot. It is an amendment to Section 11 of Article 1 of the New York State Constitution, which is about equal protection under the law. The amendment would enshrine in the New York Constitution protections based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, national origin, and other factors.
The New York State Bar Association’s Women in Law Section is planning to dedicate the upcoming year to pushing for the ERA on the federal and state level.
More About Carolyn Maloney
First elected to Congress in 1992 during the ‘Year of the Woman,’ Maloney is a nationally recognized progressive leader with extensive accomplishments in financial services, national security, the economy, and women’s issues. She was ranked as the second-most effective legislator in the 117th Congress (2021-2023) and third-most effective in the 116th Congress by the nonpartisan Center for Effective Law Making.
Maloney secured approval to build the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum on the National Mall. She was recently elected chair of the board of the ERA Coalition, which she helped create. Maloney also serves as president of the New York Chapter of the National Organization for Women.