American Intellectual Property Law Association A 10,000 member national bar association in intellectual property law. Aimed at helping the legal community by providing information on legislative activities, rules, amicus brief, publications, court decisions and links in the international property field.

United Nations Primary web site containing information on the United Nations’ main bodies, conferences and events, member states, issues on agenda, etc.

World Trade Organization Home Page Offers legal texts, official documents, statistics, analysis, publications, and other services.

World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO is an international organization dedicated to helping to ensure that the rights of creators and owners of intellectual property are protected worldwide.

National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade Offers comparative legal and transactional studies of the disparate laws, practices, and attitudes among these countries desiring to participate in a free trade area.

University of Texas Latin American Studies This is a reference desk for different organizations in Mexico containing the categories of: academic research resources, government and public administration, NAFTA resources and universities.

American Society of International Law Provides a forum and research center for exchange of views and information among government officials, corporate and business leaders, scholars, lawyers, students, etc.

National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights Serves as a forum to share information and analysis on important immigrant and refugee issues.

FarisLaw Allows you to search the case law not only in the US but in Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, and New Zealand. Contains the entire FRCP that is up to date, and also the Federal Rules of Evidence.

Hieros Gamos Large internet site for law and government materials with more than 200,000 listings and 100,000 links in all countries.