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January 2, 2014: Statement from New York State Bar President Schraver On Chief Justice Roberts’ Annual Year-End Report

By Communications Department

January 2, 2014

January 2, 2014: Statement from New York State Bar President Schraver On Chief Justice Roberts’ Annual Year-End Report


By Communications Department

New York State Bar Association President David M. Schraver of Rochester (Nixon, Peabody) today issued the following statement regarding U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ annual year-end report: 

“The New York State Bar Association stands with Chief Justice Roberts on his assessment of the impact of budget cuts on the judiciary, and once again urges Congress to provide adequate funding for vital court functions.

“As the chief justice points out, the courts represent only a small percentage of the federal budget, yet provide all citizens with access to justice. While the courts have endured recent sequestration cuts and have strived to become more efficient with fewer resources, this has come at a cost.”

“Any future cuts to staff or services will further erode the courts’ ability to serve individuals and businesses in a timely manner and pose a threat to public safety in our courtrooms.

“The State Bar Association has been a strong voice in the fight against judicial budget cuts, having urged our congressional delegation on several occasions to ensure adequate funding. We hope the chief justice’s strong message against further budget cuts will be heeded.”

The New York State Bar Association, with 76,000 members, is the largest voluntary state bar association in the country. It was founded in 1876. 


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