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The Grass Isn’t Necessarily Greener: Carefully Considering the Risks of Corporate Redomiciling

The State of Delaware is, and for many decades has been, the predominant jurisdiction of choice for those seeking to incorporate or form an alternative entity. Over two-thirds of the Fortune 500 are domiciled in Delaware, as are nearly 80%…
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NYSBA President Domenick Napoletano (left) and President-Elect Kathleen Sweet

Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates for Bar Association Offices

The Nominating Committee invites members of the New York State Bar Association to submit recommendations of themselves or others for consideration in developing its slate of nominees for association offices beginning in 2025. Members wishing to become an officer or…
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Tackling Gender-Based Violence Around the Globe

Gender-based violence, or threats, abuse, or harm to a person on the basis of sex and/or gender, is a pervasive problem throughout the world – but there are many ways to combat it. At an event co-hosted by the New…
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Francis Scott Bridge Collapsed

What Does the Titanic Have To Do With the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse?

Approximately 10 minutes elapsed from the time MV Dali, a container ship, lost power on the night of March 26, 2024 to the moment it struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. One can imagine the frantic efforts that…
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Ethics Opinion 1268: Confidential information; publication of article about issues arising in a case handled by the lawyer

Topic:  Confidential information; publication of article about issues arising in a case handled by the lawyer Digest:  After the termination of the representation, a lawyer may publish an article that discusses legal issues in the representation, as long as the…
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Gavel on top of Marijuana - Shutterstock photo

On the Constitutionality of New York’s Marihuana Regulation and Taxation Act

Introduction As the United States undergoes a transformation in cannabis legalization, states are confronted with the conflict between state regulatory structures and federal constitutional principles. New York, in its commitment to extensive cannabis reform, has implemented legislation to oversee the…
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Angélicque Moreno - Trial Lawyers Section Chair.

Family Tragedy Inspired Trial Lawyers Section Chair Angélicque Moreno To Lead a Life of Advocacy

A tragedy that struck Angélicque Moreno’s family when she was young inspired her to become an attorney and an advocate for those who are harmed due to someone else’s negligence. Her cousin was injured during childbirth because of medical malpractice…
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New Elder Law and Special Needs Section Chair Britt Burner Follows in Mom’s Footsteps

Britt Burner didn’t plan to become an elder law attorney like her mother, Nancy, but it happened anyway. “I spent most of my life saying all the reasons why I would not work with her, or do what she did,”…
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Graphic of depressed woman in black and white.

Has the Weinstein Reversal Hurt the #MeToo Movement?

Four years ago, when a New York jury convicted Harvey Weinstein of rape, the #MeToo movement hailed the verdict as long-overdue justice for a producer who had a reputation in the movie industry as a sexual predator. But now that…
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New York Court of Appeals sign of in front of Court of Appeals

The People v. Harvey Weinstein: The Question of Prior Bad Acts

The case of People v. Harvey Weinstein1 has attracted much attention because Weinstein was a “mogul” in the movie industry charged with sex crimes against actors, but the case will ultimately be remembered for its impact on the law of…
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NYSBA Publications

NYSBA produces and releases a variety of publications that pertain to case law, procedural developments, practice management, and a host of other topics of interest to legal professionals. Learn more by selecting a publication below, and read the latest issue or browse the archives. Note: Some issues and archives require you to login to the site first to access.

NYSBA Journal Summer 2024

NYSBA Journal: Summer 2024

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SBN 2024

State Bar News: Summer 2024 Edition

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CasePrep Plus

CasePrep Plus

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New York State Law Digest: July 2024 Edition

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