Nottingham High School Mock Trial Win Solidifies Team Prominence in Region II

For the second time in two years, the Syracuse public school city wide Mock Trial Team is headed to the state finals. Nottingham High School, which is made up of students from all of the city’s public high schools, beat Onondaga County powerhouse Fayetteville Manlius to move on in the competition.
Nottingham students and teachers alike say the win against FM, as the school is called, was a special treat.
“We are going to States for the second time in three years and it proves that it wasn’t just a question of beating FM,” said student Henry Zhe-Heimerman. “It was a question of establishing Nottingham as a mock trial school. Now, we have something to stand for.”
Unlike many other teams, Nottingham didn’t have enough members to take on each role, so many students took on more than one part during the competition. The learning process required more coordination to keep each side straight during practice. The team prides itself on its diversity with kids from different backgrounds, interests and parts of the city.
“I’m excited to be representing the city schools there, because I don’t think that that level of diversity and representation usually get all the way to the state level,” said Zhe-Heimerman.
Teacher and 25-year veteran Mock Trial coach Don Little says this year’s team is tenacious and willing to devote incredible amounts of time to the case.
“The joy of coaching is seeing the growth and the passion in the students,” he said. “When it lights your fire, you want to keep learning. You end up spending ridiculous amounts of time dedicated to it.”
Team member Alex Mist, who confesses she has no interest in athletics, calls Mock Trial the closest it comes to a sports team for nerds.
“Mock Trial is a vibe. It’s hard to explain, all the experiences you get from it, you learn so much,” she said. “It teaches you how to think in different and interesting ways that aren’t covered in other classes. It’s just a vibe.”
Fellow teammate Jamian DeSalvia agrees, saying joining the team was one of the best decisions he’s made.
“I wish every school had something like this. It’s very enriching and enlightening. I’m really lucky that I was able to have this opportunity,” he said.
Watch our team video here: