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November 10, 2015: New York State Bar President Sends Governor Cuomo Ratings of Candidates for Court of Appeals Vacancy

By Communications Department

November 10, 2015

November 10, 2015: New York State Bar President Sends Governor Cuomo Ratings of Candidates for Court of Appeals Vacancy


By Communications Department

New York State Bar Association President David P. Miranda has sent a letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo with the Association’s ratings for the seven candidates under consideration for chief judge of the State of New York.

The Governor must designate his choice between November 15 and December 1. The nominee then must be confirmed by the state Senate.

To assist with the appointment process, the State Bar reviews the qualifications of candidates nominated by the state Commission on Judicial Nomination.  The State Bar’s ratings are as follows:

Janet DiFiore                         “Qualified “
Carey R. Dunne                     “Qualified”
Michael J. Garcia                   “Qualified”
Caitlin J. Halligan                   “Well Qualified”
A. Gail Prudenti                     “Well Qualified”
Rowan D. Wilson                   “Qualified”
Stephen P. Younger              “Well Qualified”

The State Bar considered professional ability, experience, character, temperament and other qualities in arriving at a determination for each candidate. Each candidate’s qualifications and background were thoroughly examined. Personal interviews were conducted and each candidate was rated as “Well Qualified,” “Qualified,” or “Not Qualified.”

According to State Bar guidelines, “Qualified” applies to candidates who have demonstrated the necessary qualifications for the office, while “Well Qualified” is reserved for those who possess pre-eminent qualifications.

The State Bar Association has evaluated candidates for the Court of Appeals since 1967. The Commission on Judicial Nomination was created in 1978 to evaluate and recommend candidates for appointment to the high court.

The 74,000-member New York State Bar Association is the largest voluntary state bar association in the nation. It was founded in 1876.

Contact: Lise Bang-Jensen
Director, Media Services and Public Affairs
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518-487-5530

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