NYSBA Members Get Access to Top Asia-Pacific Region News Resource

By Joan Fucillo

February 1, 2020

NYSBA Members Get Access to Top Asia-Pacific Region News Resource


By Joan Fucillo

New York State Bar Association members now have access to important legal and business news from the Asia-Pacific region thanks to an exciting new partnership between NYSBA and Vantage Asia, the region’s premier legal news resource.

Vantage Asia is an independent business-to-business English language publisher based in Hong Kong and produces three of the region’s leading legal magazines: Asia Business Law Journal, China Business Law Journal and India Business Law Journal.

“We are delighted to announce our partnership with Vantage Asia. It fits well with our increased global outreach, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region,” said NYSBA President Hank Greenberg. “More than ever, the practice of law is internationalized. The concerns and interests of our colleagues worldwide influence every aspect of the law here in New York.”

“We are particularly pleased that, through this arrangement, our members will have access to the latest legal news and developments from Asia and the work of our members will be highlighted on the global stage,” Greenberg added. “The timing coincides with our signing memoranda of understanding with the Seoul Bar Association and the Dai-Ichi Tokyo Bar Association.” The signing ceremonies will take place on Jan. 29, during NYSBA’s 2020 Annual Meeting in New York City.

As part of the agreement, NYSBA will suggest guest authors, interview subjects and other content for Vantage Asia’s legal publications. Vantage Asia also will seek to cover Asia-related news, events or other developments relating to NYSBA for its magazines. In turn, NYSBA will have a permanent banner ad on the Vantage Asia homepage and a full-page ad in one issue of each of Vantage Asia’s legal publications. NYSBA members will also be given a unique voucher code for a free digital subscription to Asia Business Law Journal.

In proposing the relationship, James Burden, a founder of Vantage Asia, talked about the advantages for his publishing company and lawyers throughout Asia.

“We are always looking for new readers who have a professional interest in Asia and are keen to find new guest authors, interviewees and people who can provide us with valuable feedback,” he said, adding that “I also see it as a way for NYSBA to promote association membership throughout our region. We publish some of our content in languages other than English, so there is an opportunity to reach to more Asian legal practitioners.”

Diane O’Connell, chair of NYSBA’s International Section, noted that the section had recently welcomed a newly formed Asian Bar Council, which is open to members throughout the Asia-Pacific region and whose mission is to create greater collaboration between and amongst members and the region’s legal community.

“This arrangement with Vantage Asia has come together at a time of our association’s growing presence in the region,” said O’Connell. “It is great news for the International Section, for all our members, and for practitioners in the region. I look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship between our great organization and Vantage Asia.”

To view content from the Vantage Asia publishing group, visit www.vantageasia.com.

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