A Guide to Diversity & Inclusion in the 21st Century Workplace, Sec. Ed (eBook)

- Professor Michael L. Fox
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Contents at a Glance
The Landscape of Federal and New York State Anti-Discrimination Laws / Shifting Ground on Protection for Sexual Orientation, LGBT Status / Shifting Ground on Equal Pay / Current Status of Federal Equal Rights Amendment / Administrative Proceedings: The U.S. EEOC and N.Y.S. DHR, and the Importance of Policies and Paperwork / Disabilities Law and Leave Issues / Websites and Requirements for Accessibility / Scenarios and Hypotheticals for Analysis
Product Description
PC: 415820/415820E
This book provides the reader a concise reference on the major issues of diversity and inclusion by evaluating federal and New York State laws and regulations that protect against discrimination, retaliation and harassment in employment. Through this evaluation, attorneys, judges, and students will gain an understanding not just of the requirements of the law, but also a respect for diversity. Business professionals, particularly those in human resource management, can rely on this book to better understand their obligations, recognize potential issues, and articulate what they need to discuss with counsel.
The Second Edition includes coverage of the following topics:
- State and federal anti-discrimination, antiharassment and anti-retaliation provisions;
- The U.S. Supreme Court’s groundbreaking decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which addresses sexual orientation and gender identity;
- EEOC hearings and the importance of maintaining clear employer policies and concurrent paperwork;
- Federal and state leave laws;
- Website accessibility for those with disabilities;
- The impact of COVID-19 on employment practices.
The book also includes specific scenarios and hypotheticals to illustrate how the concepts discussed throughout the book work in practice.
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- October 15, 2020
- eBook
- 415820E
- 9781579690274
- 286 pages